Greaves and Jota's Zyteks will receive upgrades

While the teams that are customers of the Gibson Technology company, former Zytek Engineering, will have to wait until 2016 to see their new LMP2 coupé, 2015 will not pass in blank, as the reliable Z11SN model will receive some updates to remain as competitive as always.

According to Bill Gibson, Gibson Technology owner, as the car has some years in its history, it can receive some aerodynamic and safety upgrades to stay up-to-date. And is this chance for changes that will Gibson make a huge overhaul in the current model.

The name of the model is confirmed as 015S, but it isn’t confirmed that will be labeled as Gibson.  Another thing that is certain is that the last time you saw the name Zytek on track was the 3 Hours of Estoril event in the 2014 European Le Mans Series season, as the famous name will not return next year.

Gibson expects to stay with his current customers only, as he has no perspective to sell other chassis, much because most of Gibson’s market rivals have or will have coupé models to offer.

PHOTOS: European Le Mans Series
