Driver rating rule to change for 2015

Sportscar teams and drivers will have some headache for driver lineup selection in 2015, as FIA announced some changes in the driver rating rule, expecting some standardization for that.

Explaining: Most of the sportscar and GT championships over the world have class separation based on driver ratings to separate the most experienced pros from the amateur drivers, generating fair competition with this. The system uses lots of specific criteria, and separate them in a medallion system with four different ranks: Platinum(top pros), Gold, Silver and Bronze(novice drivers).

Examples of this are in the LMP2 and LMGTE-Am FIA WEC classes, where is required at least one Bronze-rated or Silver-rated drivers in the driver lineup.

As from it is now, without further details, which are expected to come, the system is meant to be more filtered and clearer to understand, as it will be base on three criteria: age, achievements and performance.

To get more understanding of the driver categorisation system, here's a Radio Le Mans article that explains the rating criteria one by one, and also there's the 2014 driver ratings lists for FIA WEC and for the FIA GT3 ruled competitions.

Photo: AutoEvolution
