[OFF-TRACK] Matanza Fest

This weekend I've watched the Matanza Fest event. Except for reasons out of my control, going to a Matanza show is a routinne that I do with an interval of 6 months.

For those who never listened: Matanza is a hardcore/country band based on Rio de Janeiro, that is active since 1996, and whose music talks about alcohol, brawl, muscle cars, women and wild west.

Here's a music that I like - Rio de Whisky(Whisky River):

This time the band came, not only as the main band, also as proper festival. They came with other bands like the southern-brazilian Peixes Voadores, and the consecrated Distraught and Velhas Virgens

Here is my opinion:

Peixes Voadores made their work, OK.

Distraught gave the festival the heavy sound it needs to have, with their trash metal sound, really awesome.

Velhas Virgens: what to expect, not than a really good experience? They interacted with the crowd, played the fans favorites, it was really good. "Abra suas pernas" was my favorite, because of the song, buth mostly because the way the guys(and the girl) interacted with crowd there.

OWNER NOTE: Juliana Kosso(that chick on the right), what a beauty!

And finally, there came the main band, Matanza, with the unmistakable figure of Jimmy London, playing the confirmed one of the public, like "Rio de Whisky", "Remédios Demais", "Santa Madre Cassino", "Eu não bebo mais", "Imbecil", "O último bar", "Odiosa Natureza Humana" and some of their new album - "Thunder Dope", released in 2012.

In short, awesome shows, lots of beer, and, in my opinion, they made a fan really happy, and so the others that were there.

Photos by Lucas Silveira
